March 5, 2025

An Overview of CM Lodestar Chain Hoist

When you need a chain hoist, the CM Lodestar electric chain hoist is an excellent choice. It comes in different voltages, it is strong and resilient, it can be used in harsh conditions, and it is a great option for the hire industry too. What is it that makes the CM Lodestar one of the best electric chain hoists around? Here is your guide to the benefits of CM hoists as a brand, and the Lodestar in particular for your business.

First, let’s look at the design of the CM Lodestar chain hoist. It has an aluminum body, making it very well protected and resistant to rust but also lightweight. It can also deal with shocks because the aluminum will protect the body and the components inside as well. If needed, it is a simple process to make modifications and change from 1T to 2T units. Other features include limit switches and bags that are easy to change, and thermal overload as well for lifting. The body has alloy covers for all mechanical and electrical components as well as the aluminum body, and the suspension can be chosen when specifying the hoist.

A Lodestar electric chain hoist will also have different options when you are choosing them, giving you more choice. The lifting capacity can go up to around 3T and will begin at around 1/8T. They can have a 10ft lift height and will be 115v single phase or a 230/460v 3 phase. They have top hook suspension and a 20:1 speed ratio to enable various lifting speeds when hoisting. This will also give the operator more control and as much precision as is needed, to help avoid load bounce which can happen when the hoist needs to be inched into place. There’s none of that required with the CM Lodestar chain hoist models. What’s more, the specific technology that is used will allow the hook to move 200% faster when it is not under load, further improving efficiency.

One other major benefit is that this hoist is made by Columbus McKinnon, one of the leading names in hoisting and lifting. It is manufactured in the US so distribution is easier and cheaper, and buying one is supporting US manufacturing. Buying something as important as an electric chain hoist is best done with a company that you trust and know you can rely on. This will give you good consumer protection and guarantees on the products that you buy.

Hoist maintenance is very important. It is essential for the safety of the hoist and its usage, ensuring the hoist is fit for purpose. The chain will need to be lubricated on a regular basis and will need to be maintained in accordance with manufacturer guidelines as well. While maintenance is mainly for safety, costs are part of the consideration as well. The better a CM Lodestar electric chain hoist is looked after, the less it is going to cost over its lifetime. Looking after it is in the interests of your business in every way.